So we have a monthly outing with our local homeschool group to the Crystal Springs Preserve, and every month we have such a great time learning about Florida and all of its wonders. The spring itself is absolutely gorgeous, and at the Crystal Springs Preserve, there is a wonderful learning center, where our kiddos are led in a science lesson and often a trip out into the woods.
I wrote about our first trip out to Crystal Springs in this post, where we learned about the history of the springs and the delicate ecology of the springs and the importance of water to Florida, and the world.
This month, our group learned about the basics of survivalism - and boy, it was a HIT among the kids. Our oldest, in particular, was so excited about this particular outing that she could hardly contain herself!

Our group learned about the most important aspects of survivalism, including water collection, shelter-building (above), and about a few of the wild edible plants that are easy to find in central Florida, including saw palmetto root, and Spanish moss. The kids wanted to try it all, of course!
Overall, it was a really fantastic day, and I think I learned just as much as they did! Who knew that a ziplock (mostly) closed over the leaves of a small tree branch could collect so much water?!?! Cool!
We absolutely love our time at Crystal Springs Preserve, and are so looking forward to next month, and all of our future adventures there!
Until next time,
The different three longitudinal studies [26,31▪,36▪] rely on self-report data. In all 카지노 사이트 situations, gambling involvement was collected individually for each gambling exercise, which is considered the best methodology . The YouGov panel in Great Britain and the Biddle et al.'s examine in Australia made use of present, longstanding basic population panels that had been used to assess gambling amongst a number of different variables. These studies are likely finest for estimating prevalence as they are less biased by individuals selecting in or out of participation of a survey recognized as focusing on gambling.