October 26, 2013

The Milfred Girls

The little Llamas and I spent a wonderful afternoon with the breezy, beautiful Milfred girls just before we left Nashville, and what a joy it was! These girls and mine - and us mamas - have been fast friends since we met, and I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to photograph them.

It happened that I've been wanting to get these lovely ladies behind the lens for a while, and they just happened to need some portraits. A match made in heaven, yes? Dear friends and another pitch-perfect afternoon that seemed made for just such a time.

First up was Miss E., whose radiant smile seemed to make the afternoon even brighter than it already was!

Then there was precious Miss A., whose somewhat demeanor seems to be a little bit of a reflection of her mama's - but then when the smiles come out, they're more brilliant than the sunshine! 

I love both of these - the one above and below - so much. Siren mama, fairy daughter. 

Beautiful woodsy mama and her girls. Fabulous.

I am so glad to have had the time with these three! 

Until next time,


October 25, 2013

The Lutes Family

This is the third post in our series from Nashville. As I've said before, Nashville in October is absolutely gorgeous, and this afternoon spent with this sweet family was no exception. We went down to Ellington Agricultural Center, which - if you've never been - is a fantastic way to spend an afternoon!

I loved photographing the Lutes family. Their sweet kiddos were so fun and it was a great time overall. I'm sure you'll enjoy these highlights as much as I did in taking them!

I love the light in these so much; it truly was the golden hour that afternoon.

Until next time,


October 24, 2013

Julie's Family

This is the second post in this series from our Nashville trip - these images are of my dear friend Julie's family. And they are also their very FIRST ever professional photos! I feel so honored that they would choose us to photograph them - and so excited because they turned out so beautifully! Here are a few from that fun afternoon to enjoy!

We had a wonderful time! Love these photos, love this family.

Until next time, 


October 22, 2013

Nashville in October (When it's the BEST!)

So we recently spent some time back up in Nashville both visiting with wonderful friends, and photographing wonderful clients. It was such a pleasure and a gift to head back up there!

If you've never been, Nashville is most glorious in October. Just when we "happened" to have been there. It was so beautiful. And would have been much so much more enjoyable if I hadn't been stricken with an awful case of food poisoning. The joys of airport food. Oh, well, it happens.

But enough about that! Let's focus on the beautiful photos we took instead. This is going to be a short series of posts highlighting some of my favorite snaps from our time there.

First up: a couple of snaps of dear friends!

All these kiddos (and their parents and siblings!) are near and dear to our hearts! So good to see them and cherish our time together!

Until next time,
