September 12, 2013

A Day at the Aquarium

Happy Wednesday, friends!

So the little Llamas and I went to the Florida Aquarium for the first time recently with our local homeschool group. After a rough start to the morning and getting lost for embarrassingly awful amount of time, we finally made it. Yay for making it to our destination!

Once we were there, we hurried inside and got right to the best part: EXPLORING. First up, the section with scenes from Florida's diverse habitats... We loved the free-flying birds and up-close encounters with some of the large fish.

We also loved the stingray and nurse shark touch tanks! So cool. And "slimy." 

After the touch tanks, it was time to explore even beautiful and mysterious creatures... There was much enthusiasm from everyone - and I was drug from tank to tank with hardly a second to catch my breath. Not that I minded in the least.

After finishing up with the exhibits, the group headed outside to the splash pads, where the kids played, long and hard. There was was a tense and adventure-filled game of freeze tag, interspersed with lots of splashing in the fountains, of course. 

Yep, this last image just about sums up the day pretty well. Happy, bouncy, sunshiny kiddos all running through the fountains. 

So despite a rough start, we had a WONDERFUL day, full of fun and exploring the wonderful world of our ocean habitats. We left the aquarium tired and a bit sunburned, and just plain old happy.

Until next time,


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